Quest 4 the Real

A site dedicated to discovering the True, pursuing the Good, and contemplating the Beautiful. It is a Quest for the Real.

Hi everyone! My name is Matt Joss and this my spot for considering the questions of life. Who am I? Well, currently I serve at the River Anglican Church in Blacksburg Va as their early adult and university outreach guy. I’ve got a bachelors in history from Bryan College, two masters from Southern Evangelical seminary (one in apologetics and one in philosophy), and a PhD in analytic theology from the top-ranked school in the UK, the University of St Andrews (not that I’m being smug or anything ; )

I’ve done landscaping, worked at Home Depot, bent brick lintels and roofing at a steel factory, taught ESL in Korea, been stuck in a credit union call center, worked as an instructional designer, tutored in Scotland and done some other stuff (I think). It’s been an eclectic but good run so far. Currently, I’m working on upping my archery game, I’m thinking about fixing the brakes on the truck (man they screech!), and one day, Lord willing, I’ll refinish the roll-top desk that’s sitting in pieces in the basement.


I hope you stick around, and have some fun thinking through life with me!


Oh yeah, and my first book is done! Warning, it is really expensive – the price of academic monographs is absurd : (