The central hub for all things Baptism:

So I had an article published on Mere Orthodoxy about Anglicans accepting dual-practice baptism. Unsurprisingly,  it has caused some fireworks, and a large number of objections have been raised.  Now, I’d like to respond to these, but the sheer volume and variety of the issues is going to require doing this piecemeal. Also, I’m getting comments from lots of different places – and hence this page. It’ll be the place to find answers and links to all the various replies and clarifications. The newest posts can be found at the bottom.


Have patience, I have a feeling this is going to take a while ; )


First up is the whole Baptist-Anglican thing. Am I really trying to transmute Anglicans into Baptists? The short answer is….  no, not at all.  Read more here: Yikes!! Baptist Anglicans? Baplicans?




The Practice of Dual-practice, Anglican style

        My article espousing dual-practice baptism for Anglicans left a number of issues untouched, and this has been rightly pointed out. The basic question I’ll be dealing with here is this, “Even if we assume that your argument is


Yikes!! Baptist Anglicans?! Baplicans?

    A first response to the baptism article explosion:      Well, perusing the objections to my article has been interesting. Most of them have been in the realm of what I expected, plus a few things I’ve not considered before.